EndoPilot²: Modular all-in-one solution for endodontics

The EndoPilot2 offers a complete solution for endodontic treatment and combines all the functions required for a gold standard endodontic application. The intelligent endomotor has a patented length measurement during preparation and can be expanded on a modular basis. The extensions include thermal filling with DownPack heating tip and BackFill gun, ultrasound and the option of a peristaltic pump for final rinsing. The EndoPilot2 file library contains more than 500 illustrated NiTi files without manufacturer restrictions. New files and functions can be uploaded by the user free of charge with an update via SD card. This keeps the device up to date even after purchase.
Schlumbohm is a family-run company that develops and produces the EndoPilot2 in the heart of Schleswig-Holstein.

What the patented apex measurement method of the EndoPilot2 has over other length measurement methods

With the commonly used dual-frequency measurement methods (e.g. impedance difference method, impedance quotient method), two voltage signals of different frequencies are transmitted in succession with a short delay via the file and offset against each other. While this older method is sufficient for static measurements, it leads to inaccuracies when determining the length in real time during preparation. This is because the repeated up and down movement of the file by the user leads to changes in position, which means that the measured signals can no longer be accurately offset against each other as they were taken at different positions.

The calculation options are also limited with only two values.
For this reason, Schlumbohm® has developed the patented impulse measurement method for the EndoPilot2, which today achieves the highest accuracy in determining the working length in real time. A single signal is sent from the endomotor into the root canal and the deformation is then analysed. The closer the instrument approaches the apex, the greater the deformation of the voltage signal. The distance to the apex can be calculated based on the type of deformation.
This results in the following advantages over the older 2-frequency measurement method: The dynamic pulse measurement method of the EndoPilot2 leads to precise measurement results in real time, even during preparation. In addition, a single measurement is sufficient. This makes the procedure faster and enables a large number of individual values to be analysed within the measurement, which significantly increases accuracy. The curve also offers further possibilities for interpretation. For example, particular curve shapes can indicate disturbance variables during the measurement. One such source of error is the so-called ‘false apex’: many current devices display ‘apex’ when the instrument first comes into contact with the fluid in the root canal, i.e. still in the coronal area. Incorrect measurements of this kind can be avoided with the EndoPilot2 impulse measurement method.

Advantages of the dynamic pulse measurement method

  • Provides precise measurement results even during reprocessing with movement.
  • Faster than conventional methods, as only one signal is required.
  • Analysing a large number of individual values within the measurement significantly increases accuracy.
  • Early detection of disturbance variables and incorrect measurements through deformation analysis.

Maximum safety thanks to intelligent protective functions

The use of the EndoPilot2 system offers the practitioner the greatest possible safety through the use of intelligent protective functions. They largely prevent over- or under-instrumentation and minimise the risk of file fracture.
At the same time, they enable an optimal approach to the foramen physiologicum and support a tight filling of the prepared canal.
Intelligent torque monitoring reduces the torque when approaching the apex. Once the optimum working length has been reached, the endomotor stops automatically for an individually adjustable time interval of between 0.5 and 2 seconds. A modern designed position indicator with touch display shows the position in the root canal in real time, supplemented by an acoustic signal that intensifies the closer you get to the apex. At the same time, the otherwise green LED on the endomotor changes to red.

Intelligent endomotor recognises risk of instrument fracture and automatically adjusts motor movement

To minimise file fractures, Schlumbohm® has exclusively equipped its endomotor with the most modern type of reciprocating drive: The ReFlex movement. It detects in which area (coronal, central or apical) the instrument is loaded and adapts the movement of the endomotor individually. This intelligent differentiation minimises file fractures and enables performance-optimised use of the file. You can find out more about the patented ReFlex movement in a separate blog article here.

In addition to the ReFlex movement, operation in full rotation, anti-clockwise rotation and reciprocating is also possible. The manufacturer's recommended file parameters such as speed and torque values are already stored for each of the more than 500 NiTi instruments. The user selects the desired file in the preparation menu and can start working straight away.
If necessary, adjustments can be made to the preset values for torque, speed and reciprocating parameters. The pre-set manufacturer values, combined with the option of adjusting these as required, ensure maximum flexibility.

Interference-free measurements thanks to insulated contra-angle handpiece with hard gold-plated contact transfer

Precise electronic measurement requires interference-free signal transmission through the endomotor and contra-angle handpiece to the rotating file. Similar to headphones, which make noise and crackle if the contact is loose, the quality of the contacts through which the measurement signal is transmitted is also important for apex measurement. Simple device solutions attempt to couple the signal directly to the housing of the contra-angle handpiece, which leads to signal interference and inaccurate measurements.

The contra-angle handpiece of the EndoPilot², on the other hand, has hard gold-plated spring contacts for reliable signal transmission, thereby setting new standards. The contra-angle handpiece is fully electrically insulated to prevent interference from patient contact, for example by touching the buccal mucosa. This not only minimises measurement errors, but also eliminates the need for insulating protective covers.
On request, the autoclavable contra-angle handpiece can be customised by laser engraving with a name, image or the practice logo, for example.

Handling the EndoPilot² should not only work, but also be fun

The handling of the EndoPilot² has been optimised for the workflow of endodontic treatment. The focus is on clear menu navigation and uncomplicated device handling.
Thanks to the high-quality lithium-ion battery, the operating time of the Schlumbohm® endomotor is 16 hours.

In addition, a medical power supply unit allows the EndoPilot² to be used without restriction, even during the charging process. The motor is operated wirelessly via a Bluetooth footswitch. As an alternative to the menu navigation via touch, the device can also be operated using a twin footswitch. The favourites selection for files and the option to create individual file sequences with the ‘MyFile’ function enable quick access. On the start screen of the EndoPilot2, the user can display a customised text (e.g. user name, room, department) and can choose from over 10 selectable tones from ‘beep’ to ‘xylophone’ to ‘cowbell’ for the acoustic signal when the apex is approached. Maximum mobility in handling is provided by an EndoCart, which is also available and facilitates transport to different treatment rooms.

Expandable functions: Thermoplastic filling

Downpack heating tip
During obturation, the widespread use of a hot Heidemann spatula to separate master points not only causes discomfort for the patient due to the open flame, but also causes another problem: if the spatula cools down too early, the user can quickly pull the gutta-percha filling out again. The downpack heating tip of the EndoPilot² offers an elegant solution, heating up to 350°C within a few seconds and enabling the clean and quick removal of gutta-percha posts.

The temperature can be conveniently selected between 150°C and 300°C in the obturation menu. The heating process starts when the foot switch is pressed and takes a few seconds. When the downpack is ready for use, this is indicated by a red LED. The heating tip can be used to cut gutta-percha pins cleanly and quickly without the risk of pulling the filling out again.

BackFill gun
The Obtura Max III BackFill gun can be flexibly upgraded to the EndoPilot² and complements the downpack heating tip for thermoplastic filling.
The use of the high-quality BackFill gun ensures dense and homogeneous thermoplastic filling of the centre and coronal third. The BackFill gun is loaded with gutta-percha pellets via an opening on the top. Different temperatures can be selected via the touch display and reached in a short heating time thanks to a powerful control system. Once the gutta-percha is heated, it is applied into the root canal by actuating the pistol grip and compacted with a hand plunger.

Dieser Arbeitsschritt wird wiederholt, bis eine homogene und dichte Füllung des Wurzelkanals erreicht ist.
Die BackFill-Pistole ist sauber im Handling und unaufwändig zu reinigen.
Sie ermöglicht eine komfortable Abfüllung mit maximaler Kontrolle über Fließgeschwindigkeit und Füllprozess.

Expandable functions: Ultrasound with and without pump

The ultrasonic function can be used to activate rinsing liquids during reprocessing. The autoclavable ultrasonic handpiece Newtron from Acteon is ergonomically shaped so that every grip position is comfortable for the practitioner. Instruments that are compatible with a Satelec thread can be used. The performance and function of the instruments are stored in a large database and sorted according to access, reprocessing, irrigation, condensation and microsurgery applications. By selecting the desired instrument, the corresponding power is automatically set and displayed as a bar chart. An adjustable countdown function makes it easier to adhere to the irrigation protocol and enables each root canal to be irrigated evenly and thoroughly.

An adjustable countdown function makes it easier to adhere to the irrigation protocol and ensures consistent and reproducible irrigation of the root canal. The correct instrument parameters are already preset and control is wireless via the foot control using Bluetooth.
A peristaltic pump can be flexibly retrofitted, which is connected to the ultrasonic handpiece via a plug-in coupling and enables irrigation with sterile saline solution.

Regular new developments via micro SD card update

Due to new patents, technical innovations and customer requests, new functions are regularly developed and implemented in the EndoPilot². The new developments can be easily updated by the user via a micro SD card. This keeps the EndoPilot² up to date even after purchase and is ideal for users who demand the highest levels of accuracy and efficiency.